Natural Health & Healing Resources
Here is some really good health news for the small business owner. Proven FREE Resources to improve productivity and profits thru better employee health
Sickness and health problems among working age- Americans and their familie carry an estimated price tag of $ 260 billion in lost productivity each year. The Commonwelth Fund
Millions of people are escaping the BROKEN / EXPENSIVE health care system and turningto Alternative Therapy Doctors.
The FREE advice on the HEALTH & WELLNESS site will improve anyones life and may even save it. It is possible to prevent and even reverse many diseases. .
You think I'm exaggerating, don't you ?
Read what Dr. Joseph Mercola one of the many doctors featured on the Wellness Site says,
" Your body is designed to self regulate and be healthy " If this sounds like a preposterous statement, then you have been a victim of a disease-focused mass media controled by powerful special interests that wants to convince you that expensive drugs and surgery are the logical choices when confronting health challanges When you focus on health,disease dramatically disappears.
You will find in one place Trustworthy Resources that lead to better health and longevity.
Meet the health experts that bring years of experience and scientific research to healthy living.
Wait, there's more.....
Check out the SPECIFIC HEALTH NEEDS INDEX. this index of specific health needs is linked back to the many doctors comments, and tips on that subject.
W. Carson Lapp President
C & D Natural Health & Healing Resources
248-437-6585 email CarsNH07
Ps: And thats just the begining......In addition we provide a monthly News Letter that we encourage you to share with your associates, family and friends.
About the Author: 86 years of age, in good health and never any prescription drugs.
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