Old Job – Blue Collar, New Job – Home Based Business
Job Security, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow...
Will your good job last – or do you believe that you will find a good job that will last for years to come. You’ve read about job growth and new jobs, but what about the jobs that are being lost. The new jobs are mostly lumped into a "service industry" category and that means working in sectors like retail or customer service. These service industry jobs are mostly entry level and unreliable in the amount of hours worked. They also pay a whole lot less than the old manufacturing jobs. Oh, by the way we just had a minimum wage increase up to $5.85 in July… That will put steaks on the table!!
The stereotypical laid-off blue-collar worker has a lot of company these days. In 2002, the technology sector dumped over 150,000 jobs in the software sector alone. Intel has cut over 10,000 jobs in the last year. The housing market continues its downward slide and the latest projections are that it will last at least another year, well into 2008. The “Big Three”, Ford, GM and Chrysler, just recently announced a 20 – 25% drop in sales and the list goes on and on.
High tech jobs have been touted by politicians as the future for American workers, but is it a secure future? Those secure jobs from the 70’s, 80’s and even 90’s, when you could count on a company being around and taking care of you are all but gone. Oh, by the way, white-collar workers are feeling the pinch too. The first step toward job security today is getting information about starting your own home-based business; weather full time or part time it will provide extra income for you and your family.
An internet home based business is one of the best small business opportunities available today. Internet access and a telephone are all that you need to start a successful business, and our team of trained professionals will educate you and help guide you down the path to success. You can bring change to an uncertain future and begin to look forward to the lifestyle you always hoped for, with a home based business opportunity. Extra income and extra time freedom are the end result.
Stop worrying, instead, take the first step towards securing your financial future. If you are ready to earn extra income or generate a substantial income right away you can contact Passive Millions to improve your security and financial success.
Can you live debt free and save for your future? Do you need to have a full time income and have job security? Our unique home-based business opportunity can open the door to meeting the needs of you and your family and allow you to earn money from home. Take control of your future and start earning that extra needed income today! You can control your own destiny with a work from home internet job opportunity.
So, if you are interested in learning more about our unique home based business and want the job security you deserve in life, contact us now and take that first step in securing your future!
As Always, God Bless and Always Remember To Make It A Great Day!!
Michael J Kohn
New Image Marketing Group, Inc.
Please Visit Us At: http://www.MastersIncome.com, http://www.PassiveMillions.com
About the Author: Michael Kohn has been in sales and marketing for over 25 years. He currently makes a living as president of New Image Marketing Group Inc., an internet marketing and direct sales company. He brings a modern and easy-to-follow approach to direct and on-line selling. A native of Wisconsin, Mike was previously an insurance claims adjuster for the banking industry. He then spent over 20 years as the Director of Account Executives for a specialty lines insurance agency. He was responsible for maintaining a multi-million dollar account base. Mike left the corporate world 5 years ago and continues to enjoy both the time and financial freedom his internet business has provided for him and his family. Visit At: http://www.PassiveMillions.com, http://www.MastersIncome.com
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