
Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Podcasting for Small Business

Podcasting is here, it's now, it is rapidly gaining momentum around the world, and there is still ample room for extensive growth. There are podcasts available for almost every subject imaginable such as food, movies, music, politics, science, and technology. While many people are trying to make a career out of podcasting, it is often forgotten that podcasting is a wonderful promotional tool, particularly for businesses. Podcasting is not only for big business, but small businesses can also reap the same benefits.

Podcasting gives small business a tremendous ability to reach the niche markets that it may rely on for business. Brand advertising is not the only purpose for a small-business to podcast, but informative podcasts about your business field or products can also help generate much needed traffic to your website. Informative and knowledge-sharing podcasts will not only spread your message, but will also give potential customers the satisfaction of knowing that your business is both knowledgeable and expert in its field.

It's not important that a business podcasts on a frequent basis, but you should try to keep content fresh. Monthly podcasts are a great option, and with only twelve podcasts a year, you don't risk going through any sort of "subject" burnout.

Here are a few quick tips to remember for podcasting for businesses.

First, stick to just what you know. Demonstrating your expertise is important in making your potential customers comfortable in doing business with you. To come off sounding anything other than an expert in your field, would be to fail.

Second, express excitement in what you are talking about. Let your customers know that you personally are interested in what you are podcasting about. Your excitement and interest will turn into theirs. Nothing is worse than losing the interest of your listeners, and your prospective customers.

Third, don't forget to insert your own advertisements into your podcast. A couple of quick and friendly "brought to you by" reminders are perfectly acceptable to insert into your podcasts.

Finally, be sure you get your podcast out there. List your podcast in several online podcast directories, and give your customers the ability to find you.

About the Author: David is a freelance writer and chief editor for - podcast directory, where you can find feeds, download, rate, and comment on podcasts.

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