
Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Article Small Business : How To Make Money From Home

By: Elias Georgi

Government statistics have been quoted many times by politicians indicating that small business is really the engine of the economy and small business owners who operate out of their homes form a large proportion of this part of the economy. Many entrepreneurs as well as people who are just trying to make a living have started successful business out of their homes, growing them into medium and large businesses.

Every year the growth in the number of small businesses continues and these people must know something that the rest of us do not who work for companies. While some people may be forced into starting a business as a result of being let go from a larger firm, many will start a home business from their homes for reasons of independence and the flexibility that it brings. These people have learned that if they have an excellent product that customers need and are willing to pay for they can create a niche for themselves that will make their business successful.

Many people get stated simply by selling something they produce out of their homes. As they become more successful, they add employees or subcontractors to help them deal with all of the activities that are required as their business grows. Quite often the business owner finds themselves working twelve and fifteen hour days to keep up with the demand, before they realize that they really need to get some help.

Depending on the products or services that are offered, small business owners need to evaluate which areas they can relinquish some direct control over to employees to allow them to focus on other areas. These areas include, sales, production, manufacturing, customer service, and even financial management and accounting. Often small business owners have one or two skills that they are experts at, while other areas they may be generalists or have very little knowledge. It is important to understand your strengths and weaknesses. It is also important to hire people with the skills you need to fill these weak areas allowing the owner to focus on the areas were there strength lies.

Of course you cannot relinquish total control. For example if you decide to hire an accountant to manage your books, cash flow, wages and tax payments, most owners would be well advised to review the books on a regular basis to ensure that they are comfortable with the decisions that are being made. Establishing the appropriate controls and approvals is necessary to ensure that there are no surprises.

Select the areas that you will focus on and then hire the appropriate talent that your business requires to continue your growth cycle. Very soon you will find that you will be able to enjoy the flexibility and freedom that running a small business provides.

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