
Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Joint ventures – small business marketing strategy?

Joint ventures represent an amazing business opportunity capable of boosting your profits in record time. Considered the most powerful method to skyrocket sales within a very short time, joint ventures require finding a reputable and reliable partner. It is not difficult to locate potential joint ventures partners, but finding one that will produce substantial results for you is a different story...

Experts in the field recommend teaming up only with marketers who have an excellent relationship with their clients. Be sure to check out all the details of their business and prior dealings, and not rush into things when it comes to setting up joint ventures. The best way to succeed with marketing partnerships is keeping it short, simple, sincere and of course straightforward. The most important thing is to not get discouraged by being turned down, as you will get more rejections than you will considerations or a “yes”.

A good marketing strategy in the joint ventures sector means setting up a plan that accounts for several rejections in advance – while maximizing those that do decide to work with you..

The main benefit of joint ventures is to accelerate the process of building momentum in your business -being as you'll be borrowing the momentum (customer base) already in place from another business. And they benefit by producing substantial profits in addition to the regular sales cycle of their regular products.

There are three basic “types” of joint ventures. The first and most common is the marketing partnership arrangement, where partners team up to promote one or more products – either for one partner, or both (cross-promotion). The best and most successful way to engage in this type of partnership is to kick the promotion off with a “launch” of sorts, through the contact list of the partner(s) who are leveraging their client-base, in addition to the long-term integration of the same marketing message into their regular channels.

The second type of JV is a “co-project”, where two or more parties come together to accomplish a certain objective, or jointly create a unique product to leverage existing technologies or resources and cut development costs.

And the third type of JV is an actual joint-venture in the real sense of the word, where a new corporate identity is formed by two or more existing companies in order to combine resources and work together to accomplish an objective. While this kind of partnership is generally the most complex and risky, it can also be incredibly profitable if done correctly. These types of joint ventures occur regularly in the oil industry world-wide, as well as with international companies looking to simplify the trade process across various national borders.

It is vital when you decide to utilize joint ventures that you do your homework, carefully inspecting the potential partner. Ask for business references; check if they are solvent, take a look at how they treat their customers, and most important discuss how they'll be able to secure a timely payment schedule. Do not rush into things without knowing who you’re really dealing with.

Many people who have a small business decide to focus on joint ventures initially because it's a very effective and powerful strategy if you've got a small budget – but what you don't spend up-front, you'll spend in “time” and “effort” in terms of finding partners, negotiating a fair deal and then executing the promotion end of things successfully.

However, while joint ventures will remain the most powerful marketing strategy in terms of ROI, it's important not to solely focus on generating revenues through partnerships. You still need to be collecting leads and customers from as many locations as possible – which includes advertising and other forms of invested marketing.

The Internet is the perfect place to develop small business marketing skills. Websites are the perfect tool for promoting ones business; they have a wider audience due to the development of the Internet and they are more cost-effective and cheaper – meaning that they carry a smaller risk. Many business owners know how important is to focus on different small business marketing strategies; this is why more and more people are utilizing the potential of the Internet in promoting their products and services.

When it comes to small business marketing, the trick is knowing how to make your product known to the public in a short a time as possible. Consumers need to test the products before they can talk about its quality; this is why giving free samples can be a good small business marketing idea – or using any other type of cost-effective strategy to capture and gain customers – even if you have to run your business at zero profit (just covering costs) for the first while, until momentum is evident and your sales are steady and climbing.

As is often said, “give away the razor to sell the blades”.

And using joint ventures is the fastest way to get your initial set of “razors” out there in the public to get things started for you. If you're product delivers more in value than it costs – and if it's in demand – than you may very well be only one joint venture partnership away from an extremely profitable business that will support any kind of lifestyle you desire...

About the Author: If you're intrigued by the power of using joint ventures in your business, then head on over to – the web's most comprehensive resource on using JVs to absolutely explode your small business marketing efforts. This secretive, misunderstood tactic will work for any business that sells a quality product that meets a demand. And it's possible to build a million-dollar business using joint ventures alone, without spending dime up-front to advertise...

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