
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Marketing Your Small Business With Your Business Card

by: Stuart Livesey

Spending money on marketing and getting value for the money spent can be very hard for any small business. It’s easy to spend a lot on glossy television ads and print ads that can bring in very little in the way of additional business.

But almost every small business has an incredible advertising tool at hand that they constantly over-look. It isn’t big, it isn’t expensive but it can be very powerful and most of us already have them made.

They are our business cards. That little bit of coloured card can be a very powerful tool indeed. Of course handing them out where ever you go or including them in all your correspondence is one way of distributing your business card. You can also do a deal with other businesses to display some of your cards on their shop counters.

That will bring you some business but there are other ways to use them to bring in business. I heard a story some months ago now of one guy who found a different way to use his business card to bring in more business.

When he is out and about he leaves his business card every where. He drops them in elevators, he slips them into the edges of mirrors in washrooms and he leaves one on the seat of any taxi he uses. Every where he goes he drops his card.

At first he was amazed at how much business it brought in and thought that it might have just been a surge in business that would fade away. But he kept up dropping those cards and the business kept on coming.

Will it work for you? I guess you won’t know till you try it and, when you consider how little a box of business cards cost to have designed and printed, it has to be a cheapest forms of advertising that any small business can have.

Where can you leave your business card so that you can get your small business in front of the eyes of people that are likely to buy your product?

About The Author

Stuart Livesey is a writer and small business person with many years experience in business both on and off line. You can always read more of his ramblings at

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