Getting A Small Business Loan
There are a variety of resources for small business owners. If you have a previous credit history and some invoices or a track record many small banks cater to business loans. If you are looking for a grant there are a great number of resources on the web. If you are creating a new innovation go to and check for grants that are currently being offered for innovations. You can also find small business loans for minorities and special projects.
If you need capital raised to develop your prototype and you have a viable product that people have endorsed they would buy then ckeck out and maybe you will find an angel investor. For more information on grants and loans go to and click on grants/capital.
If you are going to apply for a business loan make sure you have a business plan and monthly income statements as well as a 2-year cash flow plan. Show them you know how to manage money or get someone to help you with a plan. Continued Success!
Daryl Des Marais
Business Growth
About The Author
Daryl Des Marais
Mr. Des Marais has operated small businesses for over 20 years. He has been a consultant and held positions in some of the fastest growing companies in Canada. He has held past management positions in retail, tourism, hospitality and sales for a variety of companies. He has increased sales by 200% in 2 months for an herbal doctor; increased sales by 30% in 4 months for a major Canadian Big Box Retailer and helped several entrepreneurs develop and sell their business. His expertise is in the area of growth and business development. He has also been involved in developing business chapters in cities across Western Canada. In terms of charities he has been involved with several groups including Habitat for Humanity, United Way and local city soup kitchens. In terms of Business Development and mentoring Mr. Des Marais has volunteered with S.E.E.D.S mentorship review committee, ACE, YEA and university alumni and speaking events. He has given presentations at the University of Victoria and Simon Fraser University.
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