
Sunday, March 08, 2009

Requisites To Small Business Enterprise Launch

If you asked fresh graduates about their immediate plans after school, many would answer seeking employment, which is obvious.

Once we secure good jobs, we never stop and think about the core founders of such a renowned company we have just become part of.

Thriving and smart enterprises were once small businesses with unlimited funding, workforce, physical resources and so on.

This would be especially so if the core founder’s idea then appeared inapplicable in light of challenges provided by the environment to small businesses just starting up.

Today, we are enjoying fruits of people, who in spite of all the ridicule and criticism of their business ideas did not give up their vision and over the years their enterprises have expanded splendidly.

Such big companies should be the inspiration to those who dream of starting up small businesses that should then grow to be a source of employment for generations.

I would like to share some few points that I think should be requisites to launching a small business enterprise.

Probing our minds for business ideas

All small business to be launched must start by setting up the purpose they wish to serve, which is entirely the duty of the starter.

We then would need to set free the creative genius in us so as to generate top and unique business ideas ahead of planning how to implement them.

If we do not do this, then we may only invest in one or two of the many existing businesses and depend on the probability of a customer choosing our products and services while leaving those of our rivals.

One could even do this, but locating a unique marketing niche ensuring that once you launch would make progress is the way forward.

To ensure that your business idea is well developed and mature, seek advice and carry out a through market research on the same.

Have an action plan

Having tested your business idea in the market, the next step involves planning about implementing it.

It will address the issue of initial costs for starting a small business of your choice in terms of funding, labor, physical and time resources as well as the sources.

Not unless the owner needs to operate from home, there has to be actions to find the most strategic location or an office and expenditure to incur at the start and monthly.

The office will need to be equipped with some furniture, machines and the like and these costs must be reflected on this action plan.

Additionally, planning ahead ensures that you make decisions concerning the workforce at the initial launch stage.

You are able to answer the question of whether your ‘green’ business would need an extra hand to facilitate management and the costs involved.

The owners also need to set the time limit in terms of when to start up the plan and the period it is expected to take till completion.

All this will just be in paper because the owner will be examining his financial strength to set the short-term goals, with the hope that the market mechanism changes to his or her favor.

Implement the plan

This now will be nothing short of action as per the objectives of the plan, which is very challenging.
An original article by Esteri Maina on SMALL BUSINESSES

Small Business In Online Market

Within any big businesses community there are many small businesses. To tell you the truth, small business is the whale on the back of which the big companies all sit. Why you ask? There are some advantages of being a small business. First of all, it can be started at a very low cost and be often performed on the part- time basis. Another advantaged feature is its independence. It is a very nice and pleasant feeling to be a Boss. Freedom is the indicator to why many people leave big business and set up their own company. Also small businesses can respond to the market place very rapidly, thus they are more flexible. By the way, usually small businesses are family run business. From here you can see that it is could well be a mom and pop operated business with family supporting.

Small business suits the internet industry very well. A well designed website can bring a lot of customers to a small company, because small businesses serve a very particular and specialised niche in the internet marketing. Small businesses are wide spread in many countries. Classic examples are online shops like baby shop, bakery, delicatessen, food store, department store etc. Also services like accounting, photography, canvas printing, hairdressing and consultancy are very common to the economic system in cyber space.

A well designed and promoted web site can bring millions of clients from worldwide areas. Users utilise the internet search to find a necessary product or service, thus a global website helps small business to advertise its goods and raise its turnover. In general, the volume of sales improves in some period of time due to well thought- out online marketing policy. Alongside this diversity of firms there are many small web design companies offering their services. These small web design companies really can help to run your business better. Their services are of high quality and are tailored to meet the individual needs and requirements of every particular client.

Honestly, small design companies cope rather well in matching the business aims of the company with the clients' ideas. Once a good web site is created, web design company should focus on the sites' promotion as well as being able to explain and emphasize the benefits of online commerce. Providing highly useful, efficient and successful websites, web design companies use the most recent and up-to-date technologies, development software and tools such as Flash, Java or Ajax. In order to raise the page rank of the website, internet marketing companies also provide to their clients a search engine optimization (SEO) service. It enables the site to achieve high rankings in the major engines like Google, MSN or Yahoo. This optimisation is essential to create a good amount of traffic to the site.

Traffic means clients, conversions bring money, money means business is 'cooking with gas'! There are often other additional services that web design companies can offer small companies. Small companies can take advantage of logotype design, redesign of the website as well as web marketing services such as article backing, paid advertising or Pay per Click (PPC) service. All these bring visitors to your website.
Finally, we can summarise that creative and unique web design, dynamic and productive optimisation or promotion can lead to a good business development model, increasing turnover and subsequently increasing company value, within a relatively small time frame.

A web site starts with a general idea, goes on with design, programming, then optimization. And every big section is divided into many, many small segments, parts. If you do not want to know about a complex process of web site building, just trust Kaweb, a web design Birmingham company established in , with creating a web site for you. Be sure that the result will exceed your expectations.

Small Business Banking For Your Website

The internet has provided a whole new world of opportunities for tech savvy entrepreneurs. It provides people that have the technical and creative skills to produce a website the opportunity to set up a small business and sell products. This is irrelevant of the types of products that they sell. There are an increasing number of drop ship companies that deal with the distribution of the stock. All the web developer has to do is create a portal from which the products can be sold and then get traffic to visit the store and buy the products.

The website creator deals with the payment from the customer and instructs the drop ship company to dispatch the products. Often the hardest thing for someone setting up an online business for the first time is appeasing the legal side of things and the financial side of things. Small business banking can help you with all aspects of a new business.

Having the Idea

The hardest thing is having that million dollar idea. So get thinking! The best types of online businesses are those that sell products. Services such as booking a taxi or advertising a hair salon are significantly less lucrative. The easiest things to sell are products that could be bought online. An example that has been used before is an online sweet shop. This is a relatively new thing to sell online as the favoured method of buying sweets is to enter a sweet shop. But one entrepreneur saw a gap in the market for high end sweets and sold them online and made a massive success out of the business. The products were durable enough to post and demand grew as the site became better known.

Choosing a name

Finding a catchy name is the most important part of the process of setting up an online business. The name needs to be catchy enough to be remembered easily so that people that search for things online can think of your name. For a name to be picked up in search engine it is useful that it contains a search phrase. For example, 'traditional sweets'.

Writing a business plan

The core thing that is required to make a business successful is to write a business plan. A business plan is very important to ensure that your winning idea can be turned into a lucrative business. Profit and loss accounts and cash flow forecasts can help you keep track on the in goings and outgoings of your business to ensure that you make money. Many banks will help you with a business plan so that you can make sure that you are structured in your approach to business and as a result make the most of the investment that you make.

Registering for VAT

Currently companies that register sales of 67,000 pounds or above must be registered for VAT. Companies that earn less can register voluntarily. This is a vital aspect of the financial side of the business.

Collecting the Payment

Once you have built your site, found customers and sold your products you need to find an efficient way of collecting the money from them. Many banks will help a small business by providing a service that makes this easy for customers to use and this may be a good alternative to Pay Pal or Worldpay services. Once this system is set up you will be able to maximise the performance of your website.

About the Author

Shaun Parker is an expert on Small Business Banking. He shares his extensive knowledge on banking to help advise start up businesses.

Solutions for Small Business Computer Networks

Computers have become very much a part of lives today. With each passing day we are becoming more and more dependent on the wonder machine. They are absolutely essential as regards businesses. As regards small businesses the first and foremost thing that would be necessary is to have an efficient and effective computer network setup at the work place. A computer network essentially means linking up of the computers in the office area. The most important advantage of having such a system in place is that it saves plenty of time. Small businesses are no different and they too would benefit hugely with having such a system in place. Small businesses also use computers for their day to day smooth functioning. There are companies which offer exclusive small business computer network. This could help in the effectiveness of the business operation.
Computer network installation is the first step in having an integrated computer system at the work place. There are experts in the field that lend their services for doing so. Once the computer network installation is completed the functioning of the business enterprise becomes easier. A well-established computer network setup helps in the growth of the business. If not, with such tough competition around it is likely that businesses which do not use the potential of the computers to the fullest will be left out in the race. Companies which set up the computer network also provide the computer network maintenance. Such enterprises provide the necessary computer network maintenance from time to time and this ensures that the network system functions smoothly or else it may result in huge losses for your business. For the smooth operation of any business computer network solutions is absolutely essential. A small business computer network is as important as that of a large business enterprise. A good computer network would help in file sharing which would help in saving time. The use of other devices can also be shared. For e.g. an integrated computer network system would result in the sharing of peripheral devices such as the printer and this would invariably save money for the enterprise. Over a period these savings would make a huge difference especially in case of small business enterprises. Data can be shared at a faster pace and there can be a smooth flow of information and communication. Even data recovery is more effective with such a network system in place. If one computer fails due to any reason such as a hardware problem then the data can be recovered from another system where it has been saved. So this also makes it a safe system of operation.
All Computer network solutions can be found with the firms that offer computer network installation and other services. A good computer network at an office place has far reaching benefits for the business enterprise and its growth. It is best to approach a well known company that offers such services and have an effective computer network setup in place at the earliest.So this also makes it a safe system of operation.
All Computer network solutions can be found with the firms that offer computer network installation and other services. A good computer network at an office place has far reaching benefits for the business enterprise and its growth. It is best to approach a well known company that offers such services and have an effective computer network setup in place at the earliest.

About the Author

Crawley Ashford consults for small business without an IT Department or with an IT Department in setting up computer networks, IT Network Spam Filter , IT Network Firewall setup, Hawaii IT Services & Support, Small business computer network cabling , IT Consulting, Product Sales, Programming.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Small Business Ideas - The Good and The Bad

It is not enough to come up with small business ideas. You have to come up with small business ideas that are viable. In other words, you need to bring something to the small business community that is workable. In order to understand this, let's look at two classic examples of business ideas. One was good and one was really off the tracks.

Does anyone remember the Edsel car? This car was hardly a winner. In fact, it was considered one of the biggest "lemons" in car manufacturing history. Even in the planning stages, advisors kept noting that this was not a car that was going to do big business. There were even serious concerns that it would do any business at all. Mainly, the design of the car was loaded with flaws. It was also a large, gas-guzzling car debuting during a weak economy. Even the name given to the car "Edsel" was a loser. Yet, they trudged on in the marketplace and sales of the Edsel were a disaster. It simply was not a viable product. Ultimately, it was a $400,000,000 failure.

Now, consider the example of Federal Express which was one of the greatest small business ideas in history. Without a doubt, not only was the concept of Federal Express viable, there was huge demand in the market for such a concept. The United States Post Office did not offer overnight delivery. The concept was considered to absurd and unfeasible. Then, along can Federal Express in 1972. The company not only delivered on its promises of delivering when it "Absolutely, positively has to be there overnight" it did so effectively and inexpensively. Again, this was one of the greatest small business ideas of all time. Granted, it did not stay a small business for long. FedEx quickly grew into a multi-billion dollar company!

What is most striking to note here when comparing these two tales is their stark financial differences. Edsel could not succeed in the marketplace despite being backed by the weight of the multi-billion dollar Ford Motor Company. As previously mentioned, Federal Express derived from the world of small business ideas. It was launched by a small businessman named Fred Smith. Smith did not run Federal Express or any of his small business ideas out of a huge corporate office in 1972. Some may find this surprising, but like other small business ideas Smith originally devised FedEx from his home. So, how could Smith succeed with such limited resources while Ford failed so miserably? How could Smith's small business ideas trump the government's ability to deliver mail? Like other good small business ideas, Smith produced a business model that was viable and need based. In other words, his small business ideas made sense. Additionally, there was an actual demand in the market for the small business ideas he was offering. With these two components working in his favor, it should come as no surprise that Smith's small business ideas were a massive success.

The lesson to learn here is that all small business ideas must be viable for them to work. If not, the small business ideas will not survive in a competitive marketplace. If, however, the small business ideas one comes up with are feasible then the odds of success will increase.

Of course, viability alone will not yield immediate success with any small business ideas. Solid business plans, marketing strategies, capitalization, and time investments all play a vital role in turning those small business ideas into successful, realized businesses. However, all the planning, marketing, money, and labor in the world can not make small business ideas that aren't viable successful. Keep that fact in mind when you brainstorm your small business ideas!

About the Author

Samantha Lewers is the founder of Small Business Champions Club, offering money making and success strategies from the world's most successful people. Visit Small Business Champions Club to claim 5 free gifts valued at $147.

Small Business Web Hosting Reviews

As a small business owner, you have too much to worry about. The last thing you need is to concern yourself with evaluating the 1000's of small business web hosting reviews available. That's why I've written this article to highlight some of the better hosting companies from our small business web hosting reviews web site and to help you quickly evaluate them on your own.

Website Wizard and Website Templates

If you don't have the experience to create your own website from scratch, don't worry. Some of the best web hosting companies have great wizards and tools available that allow you to choose a website template and then drag and drop your businesses' information into place. These WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) tools can save a small business owner like you days in frustrating web design.

If a website wizard is a priority for you find a provider that provides plenty of pre-built website templates (at least 500) and an easy editor. The best small business hosting company that provides this is Host Gator. You can even try their tool before you commit to their services. Try it out and make sure it will work for you.

Free Domain Names

If you're starting a website for your small business, you need a great domain name. Domain names can cost between seven and twelve dollars a year. The top small business web hosting companies pay this fee for you so as long as you remain their customer. In fact, some of these companies provide you with two (you should always have your website registered 2 times under .com and .net).

For this reason (and others), my small business web hosting review website recommends IX hosting as the top available company. Not only do they provide you with 2 free domain names, but they give you 8 free static IP addresses.

Marketing Support and PPC Credit

If you're reading about small business web hosting reviews, it means you're looking for another way to promote your business. The top web hosting companies not only offer you domain names for free but they also provide your business credit toward the top PPC (pay per click) and other various online marketing programs.

Don't overlook this. If you're paying $12 a month for your site and are getting over $250 in advertising expenses paid for, it can pay for the cost of your website many times over! If marketing credits are important to you, our small business web hosting review site suggests IX hosting or Midphase hosting.

Database Support

Many small businesses overlook the importance of robust database capabilities in their small business web hosting providers. This can be a major mistake. Even if you don't plan on programming any database functionality into your website, many built in forms and email applications utilize these databases to function properly.

If you plan in doing any sort of lead capture and follow up system on your website (and you should) make sure your small business hosting provider provides either MySQL or standard SQL. All of the companies on our small business web hosting review website support all of the major databases.

There are many factors to consider when choosing a small business web hosting provider. This article has highlighted some of our top choices from our small business web hosting reviews, but we have also created a website that evaluates the pros and cons of various top small business web hosting companies (see the about me / resource box for the link). I invite you to use that site as you evaluate your next steps. Choosing a site to host your small business website is a big decision. Make the right one.

Good luck!

About the Author

As a website developer and consultant, Brian Anthony has extensively evaluated the majority of web hosting alternatives for small businesses. He provides in-depth reviews for small business web hosting here.

Why Is Passion In Small Business A Necessity?

The small business world will always contain plenty of ideas, competition, and talent. There will almost always be some other company doing exactly what you do. They may do things better than you or worse. And so we always end up asking ourselves what is it that we can do better than them? What can we do to differentiate ourselves from them? Well there is always one thing that is available to you and that is passion?

There is one major difference between owning a small business and just working for someone else. The small business owner can't just up and change jobs. If the worker doesn't like where they work or what they do for a living they do have the option of finding another job. The small business owner does not have that option. So it becomes even more important to do something that they have a real passion for.

I write articles on small business topics that I hope can help small business owners and entrepreneurs because I love small business. I love the fact that a person can take an idea and develop it into a money making enterprise. I love the fact that a small business owner can then use that money making enterprise to help others by offering better wages and benefits to employees. That customers can be helped by giving better service, and products. And that a business can give back to its community more effectively that can just one person.

Small Businesses can have a great deal of impact on a great many people if you wish it to. I write articles and run my website because I have a passion for small business. I want to help others with their businesses. If you run your own small business or are considering joining the ranks and becoming an entrepreneur then you need to make sure that you find something that you can be passionate about doing. I know I have that passion. The question is do you?

Passion for what you do increases your willpower to get things done. Running your business should not be a chore. It needs to be enjoyable. How else can you expect to survive doing what you do everyday. If you consider running your business a chore then you might as well quit and go find a job. At least then you'll have less responsibility.

With passion comes the energy you need to get the job done. As business owners we need all the energy we can get. Coffee and energy drinks can only get you so far. You have to want to get things done. Knowing that what you are doing will make a difference to someone should help give you that energy. Your company was hired to provide something to someone. And you are not just a cog in the process of providing that something. You are the driving force. And you need to remember that.

Passion inspires others. Your employees want to believe that what they do makes a difference. A difference to your business and your customers. They want to believe that what they do will make a difference to them in the future. Seeing that you are passionate about your business and the future will inspire them. Your passion can even inspire your customers because passion shows. If they see how passionate you are about your business and your relationship with them they will be inspired too. Inspired to put their faith in you.

In business passion is the difference maker. If you don't love what you do how can you inspire others to put forward their best effort. If you show them you are truly passionate about what you do then they know you are giving your best effort and that may inspire them to give theirs. So remember that having passion in small business is a necessity. It is that extra edge.

About the Author

Cash Miller is an expert in small business affairs. To receive more tips that can help your business and allow you to crush your competition you can sign up for his FREE Newsletter. Once you've signed up your going to receive access to 5 FREE E-Books that can help your business prosper. And as a Bonus FREE Newsletter Members can expect to receive an additional FREE E-Book each week

Different Types of Small Business Loans

When defining the term small business loan, it is important to understand the definitions of both a small business and a loan. In the United States, a small business is defined as a privately or independently owned and operated business that employs less than 100 people. And a loan is defined as something furnished on condition of being returned. Therefore, a small business loan is something furnished to a privately owned business with less than 100 employees that must be returned.

That being said, there are many different types of small business loans, various ways in which a small business loan can be acquired, and a small business loan does not have to be lent through a bank as many may have been be misled to believe.

One of the most popular types of small business loans are SBA loans, loans that are distributed through private lenders such as banks, credit unions, etc., and are backed by the Small Business Administration. Since banks are usually the lenders of these loans, they typically come with strict requirements including excellent credit scores, collateral, and fixed monthly payments. These requirements are to ensure that the borrower holds up his/her end of the deal, and repays the loan in a timely manner. A small business owner who has excellent credit, collateral, and a well thought-out and put together business plan and presentation may be able to receive a sufficient amount of money through an SBA loan.

The SBA also backs micro-loans which may be easier to obtain, but the maximum micro-loan amount is $35,000 and the average SBA micro-loan amount is only $13,000.

Another type of small business loan that many business owners may be unaware of is equipment leasing. As implied earlier, a loan does not have to be given and/or received in the form of money. Instead of providing small businesses with the funds to purchase equipment, equipment leasing companies actually supply the equipment. Small businesses can rent the equipment, and return it, and they may also be given the opportunity to eventually purchase the equipment.

As bank lending practices tighten and business owners move away from traditional forms of small business financing, business cash advances are becoming an increasingly popular form of small business loans.
Business cash advance lenders purchase a business' future credit card sales. This allows merchant business owners to receive a sum of cash upfront in exchange for a small percentage of their business' credit card sales until the business cash advance is completely repaid. Business cash advance lenders do not require borrowers to have excellent credit scores or collateral, making them easier to obtain than many other types of small business loans. The repayment procedures allow for flexibility unlike most small business loans that require a borrower to repay a specific amount on a specific date every month.

The aforementioned are only a few of the existing types of small business loans. As a small business owner seeking small business financing, be sure to look into the various types of small business loans before choosing one. Discovering which small business loan is best for you and your business could save you both time and money, and in the long run, can be more beneficial for your business.

About the Author

David Castro often writes articles about Small Business Loans for Merchant Resources International - To Learn more Visit Us at